Become an Exchange Student

Information for Parents

Participating in an exchange program abroad gives your teenagers unique opportunities to:

  • Develop skills necessary to succeed in a globalized world, including the ability to cooperate effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds is essential.
  • Acquire valuable foreign language skills – an important asset at college and in their future careers. Students often test out of lower-level language classes at college.
  • Make great friends and contacts overseas that last a lifetime.
  • Improve their ability to adjust to new situations and view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth — an essential skill honed by adjusting to life in a different culture.
  • Set themselves apart from other college applicants. Being a successful exchange student demonstrates independence, maturity, and a desire to learn about the world.
  • Learn about themselves and their academic and professional interests by adapting to their host community and exploring new activities and classes.
  • Gain confidence in their ability to succeed through their own independent efforts.

Questions? Please contact us for more information.

“This was our first experience. Everything went very smoothly for us. My husband, who was pretty nervous about the whole idea [of hosting], loved the experience. He texted me the…

Laurie and Glenn from Montana, USA

“What I love the most about my exchange in America is my host family. I will definitely come back to America to see them and all my friends. The food, school,…

Sol from Spain

“[My host family and I] had directly a good connection to each other. I feel now I have another family in America… We had a great relationship with a lot…

Lisa from Germany

“America is amazing. I love it. My exchange has been amazing and it was a great decision for me to do this. My exchange has made me grow and be a…

Miguel from Spain
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